Peterborough prepares to incinerate its waste

07:07 Thursday 7th August 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[P]AUL STAINTON: Our top story this morning, could your household waste soon be used to power your home? Well almost, if you live in Peterborough. The energy from waste plant being built in Fengate is almost ready to start accepting waste and we were given a tour of the facility yesterday. The plant, which is the first of its kind in the UK, will turn our standard household gubbins into energy. Only Peterborough’s waste will be accepted though, and Viridor, the company leading the project, hope that this will provide power for up to 12,000 homes in the area.

PAUL STAINTON: Not everyone is convinced about the green credibilities of this plant. Richard Olive is from Peterborough Friends of the earth. Richard, good morning.
RICHARD OLIVE: Good morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: What’s not to love? All that waste that’s not going to landfill. It’s going into this incinerator. It’s burnt and then all this electricity is recovered. Surely that’s the very essence of ecology, isn’t it?
RICHARD OLIVE: It sounds good, doesn’t it? Actually getting energy from waste. And Friends of the earth aren’t opposed to energy from waste technology. But we aren’t in favour of this one.
Continue reading “Peterborough prepares to incinerate its waste”

Richard Olive and Ray Manning on Recycling in Cambridgeshire

08:07 Monday 2nd June 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[P]AUL STAINTON: We’re talking recycling this morning, and good news and bad news. The good news, we are recycling more. Bad news, not doing it right. The Government says more and more contaminating items are finding their way into our recycling bins, meaning more waste is in the end having to go to landfill. It can cost us all money as well. Councils can get paid for waste they recycle, but have to pay to put rubbish in the land. Steve Emington spoke to me earlier from, and he explained why he thinks there’s such a problem with it.
STEVE EMINGTON: 90% of people get it pretty much right. But then you do get householders sometimes who might put the odd curry in, or children’s nappy, stuff which you really wouldn’t logically put into recycling. And that’s more likely to be the problem. We’re all rushing around, busy lives and the like. So it might be easier to put the wrong thing in the bin one day, just absent minded or don’t necessarily know. It could be a call for more education perhaps. Sometimes the message doesn’t get through, people don’t understand. It’s not always easy.
PAUL STAINTON: Sue says: “The tightening of council budgets hasn’t helped either.”
STEVE EMINGTON: It’s back to economics. At the moment councils with their financial pressures, recycling is getting hot on two fronts. One green waste, because some people have got huge gardens and they’re trying to get money back for the service; and secondly the councils have got less money for education, so you won’t be getting as many leaflets through the door, or publicity campaigns to actually help you, tell you what can be recycled.
PAUL STAINTON: Well Ray Manning is the Leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council, the county with the highest rates of recycling in Cambridgeshire. Ray, good morning.
RAY MANNING: Good morning.
PAUL STAINTON: So what can everybody else learn from you do you think?
RAY MANNING: Well I think we are doing well. You’ve already said we’re the highest and we’re in the top ten. We’re doing very well. I heard the point about more education and yes, that’s the answer. But I think that we publish something every month in every issue of our magazine, and also our people go out and talk to schools, because they’re the next generation as well. People with children will know that you get told, hang on a minute mum, or hang on dad, you shouldn’t be doing that. They tend to be more vigilant than we are.
PAUL STAINTON: But it is part of the problem also that it’s not universal, is it? Some people have got their black bin, the green bin, the grey bin, the brown bin. Then we’ve got different systems for how we do it. How do you do it? Explain how your bin sorting works in South Cambridgeshire.
RAY MANNING: We’ve got the three. We’ve got the black bin for all refuse. We’ve got the blue bin for the recycling, and the green bin which is for the organic waste.
PAUL STAINTON: Yes. So it’s all different, isn’t it, from everywhere else you see. Is that part of the problem, with people got used to one particular system, one colour co-ordinated system? It might help, mightn’t it?
RAY MANNING: It probably would, but you can’t do that now, because the cost would be enormous. Huntingdon District Council have got different coloured bins to us. To scrap and recycle the bins I think .., Anyway it doesn’t take very long. How often do you move house? It’s not actually a monthly occurrence.
PAUL STAINTON: So what happens to your blue bin waste then?
RAY MANNING: We try and recycle the two. The most important thing to us is that we’ve got this paper caddy in the top of our blue one, because if we keep the really good quality paper separate we get so much more money for it. So I think that’s one of the things that has been most successful in South Cambs., the actual keeping of paper separate. Although in the green it can be recovered, it’s very cheap in just bulk. We reckon it’s about another £200,000 a year is possible from keeping the paper separate.
PAUL STAINTON: What do you make to this comment from David Harvey. who said, “The councils should do it all. It shouldn’t be up to individuals. Why? Because it’s more cost-effective. Bulk separation is cheaper than us doing it, creates more jobs. Most importantly saves water. Cleaning yoghurt pots etcetera we end up spending all that money on excess water.” So it should be up to councils to do all the separating, and we’ll leave you to it.
RAY MANNING: Well yes, obviously that’s a way of looking at things. But quite honestly I can’t agree with that. It takes, what, a couple of spoonfuls of water to rinse out a pot and have it done and things like that. If it’s already partially sorted it means it’s far easier at the other end. Yes, you could go back to a system of all black and then trying to sort it out, but your earlier speaker was saying about how you get things perhaps contaminated with nappies and stuff like this. Surely it is better to have a system whereby it’s roughly sorted beforehand.
PAUL STAINTON: Of course one part of Cambridgeshire where rules around recycling have recently changed is Peterborough, where the City Council has decided to charge people to have their brown garden waste bins collected. A lot of people very unhappy with that. Richard Olive is a member of Peterborough Friends of the Earth. Is that a good move from Peterborough City Council Richard in your opinion? .. Is Peterborough wise to do what it’s done? Continue reading “Richard Olive and Ray Manning on Recycling in Cambridgeshire”

Matthew Lee Selects £75 Million Incinerator

07:06 Monday 13th August 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY GALL: A multi-million pound energy from waste facility for Peterborough is now a step closer. Peterborough City Council has named waste management company Viridor as its preferred bidder. The Council says that 50 tons of black bin waste is being sent to landfill, and the new plant will burn the rubbish, reducing the amount sent to landfill. Richard Olive is from Friends of the Earth in Peterborough, and Fiona Radic is from the Green Party, and we can speak to them now. So first of all, to Richard, what do you think of the plans that have been put forward?
RICHARD OLIVE: It’s diabolical. Continue reading “Matthew Lee Selects £75 Million Incinerator”

What’s Going On Here Then?

07:15 Tuesday 18th June 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire



NICK SANDFORD LIBDEM: PREL are building a high technology waste treatment plant. What the Council are proposing is a conventional old-fashioned incinerator where you don’t sort the waste out you just throw it in.

RICHARD OLIVE FRIENDS OF THE EARTH: The PREL one will be absolutely state-of-the-art, a much better process. It is almost 100% recycling, the PREL one.


Peterborough Council Waste Policy

08:13 Tuesday 31st January 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

RICHARD OLIVE FRIENDS OF THE EARTH: .. listeners who live in Cambridgeshire and Fenland who are aware of what happens to their waste, which goes to an MBT anaerobic digester in Waterbeach. The running costs of that are less than half, actually about 42% of the cost of the Peterborough one. And the construction costs were £30 million. And it’s a much better environmental solution. You would think Peterborough, aiming to be the UK’s Environment Capital, would have gone for the best possible environmental solution. But even the MBT anaerobic digester in Waterbeach isn’t the best. Peterborough could quite easily recycle 78% of its waste.

One other thing you need to be aware of, and I think the people of Peterborough need to be aware of, is that the Council took advice in terms of how to treat their waste, way back in 2006. We had a meeting with them. And their waste adviser was the gentleman who gave his services totally free to the Council. I’ll name him. He was a Mr.Ian Crummack. And he happened to be the manager of the Cyclerval incinerator in Grimsby. So he may have actually persuaded the Council perhaps to go down the incineration route. .. Sol I think the Council have been led in a particular direction.

The best solution, put a lot more money into recycling. As I said, it’s quite easy to up the recycling rate to 78%. The Council is proposing 65% plus. .. The rest of the waste, some of it could actually still be landfilled if necessary. But I think the best solution really would be to build a small plasma enhanced melter .. to process the remaining stuff and turn it into something useful.

Peterborough’s Carbon Footprint

A league table of local authorities published by the Department of Energy and Climate Change puts Peterborough near to the bottom of the table for carbon emissions, threatening to scupper the Conservative Council’s Environmental Capital aspirations. LibDem spokesman Richard Olive puts the case for the prosecution, and Sam Dalton Conservative Cabinet Member for Environment Capital brings Peterborough Council Climate Change Team Manager Charlotte Palmer along with her into the studio to give an account to the BBC’s Paul Stainton of where we are and what we’re doing about it.
Continue reading “Peterborough’s Carbon Footprint”