Ukip Launch County Council Campaign

17:46 Friday 5th April 2013
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: Ukip has revealed the seats it will fight at the up and coming County Council elections on May 2nd. They are to contest all seats in both Fenland and Huntingdonshire, and it shows that their promised push is certainly going to take place here in the East of England. Let’s bring in a County Councillor and one of their organisers for the area, Peter Reeve. Hello Peter.
PETER REEVE: Good afternoon.
CHRIS MANN: So just tell us the news in terms of Cambridgeshire and what you’re going to fight.
PETER REEVE: Yes. Starting with the East of England we’re fighting 318 of the 380 seats, so most of the East of England itself will have a Ukip candidate. Here in Cambridgeshire we’re fighting 54 of the 69 seats that are up.
CHRIS MANN: Ok. Let’s not talk about the individual ..
PETER REEVE: So you can have a Ukip led Council if people want it.
CHRIS MANN: Ok. Don’t talk about individual seats, that’s all I’m going to ask you. Continue reading “Ukip Launch County Council Campaign”

The Whittlesey Shopping Experience

07:46 Wednesday 29th August 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY GALL: Residents of Whittlesey could be one step closer to getting a big supermarket. It’s to be decided at a planning meeting at Fenland District Council whether Sainsburys or Tesco will be given the go-ahead to build on Eastrea Road. The rival bids between the retail giants have been going on for months. Cllr Martin Curtis is from Whittlesey and joins us now. So what do you think about both the bids then, put in by these two behemoths of supermarkets? Continue reading “The Whittlesey Shopping Experience”

Nick Clarke on His Day in Wisbech

17:20 Tuesday 6th March 2012
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: Today the spotlight in Cambridgeshire very much on Wisbech, as the County Council held its Cabinet meeting there. Cllr. Nick Clark, Leader of the County Council, and Alan Melton, Leader of Fenland District Council, announced an ambitious vision for the town. Well Nick Clarke joined me a short time ago to explain. (TAPE)
NICK CLARKE: Wisbech, a vibrant town, the north of our county, the only port in the county, a place where we aim to help the economy grow, and somewhere that we’ve got a lot of trust and we’re making lots of investments in.
CHRIS MANN: One of the quotes attributed to you today is it’s currently “like driving through Beirut”. As bad as that, is it? Continue reading “Nick Clarke on His Day in Wisbech”

Local Chamber Pledges Council Support For Inward Investors

CHRIS MANN: The good news of 400 new jobs being created at Babraham Institute where the Government has put in £44 million to the research campus, and we have to contrast that with the bad news, particularly in Peterborough, where 1,500 temporary winter contracts have come to an end, and people there are seeking new work. Let’s put it in perspective now. The Chief Executive of Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce John Bridge joins me live. John, good evening to you.
JOHN BRIDGE: Yes. Good evening Chris.
CHRIS MANN: Quite sharp, isn’t it, the contrast between the top end where skilled workers are very much wanted in this county, and the bottom end where others, well, their work comes and goes? Continue reading “Local Chamber Pledges Council Support For Inward Investors”

Local Elections Tomorrow- Radio Cambridgeshire Coverage

07:50 Wednesday 4th May 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY GALL: Tomorrow many of you will be voting in local elections across the county. 477 candidates are competing in 154 seats across 5 District Councils and Peterborough City Council. That’s as well as the Alternative Vote referendum. With the latest news, and looking ahead to tomorrow, I’m joined by our political reporter Steve Titman, who’s with us. Good morning Steve.
STEVE TITMAN: Good morning Andy.
ANDY GALL: Now what are we expecting to happen in the local elections in Cambridgeshire? Continue reading “Local Elections Tomorrow- Radio Cambridgeshire Coverage”

BBC Peterborough Local Election Analysis

07:58 Monday 18th April 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: The city’s going to be going to the polls of course on Thursday May 5th. This year’s local elections the first big test for the Coalition. And as if one election wasn’t enough, you’ll also be able to vote on a change to the way we vote of course. But what about Peterborough City Council elections? Our political reporter Steve Titman looks ahead. Continue reading “BBC Peterborough Local Election Analysis”

Council Merger Talks

17:12 Friday 4th February 2011
Drivetime BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY BURROWS: Reports today that three district councils in Cambridgeshire could merge. Fenland, East Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire District Councils are said to be considering coming together in a bid to save money. We can speak to the Leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council now. He’s Cllr. Fred Brown. Evening to you Fred.
FRED BROWN: Good evening Andy.
ANDY BURROWS: Well, I suppose, are you considering combining some services? Continue reading “Council Merger Talks”