As part of their programme of cuts, Peterborough City Council is ending its discount for pensioners who cultivate an allotment. A senior councillor questions the integrity of this policy, and asks how it fits with the Council’s stated aim to become Home of Environment Capital. And the councillor suspects that Peterborough Council may have a darker motive.
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Tag: Environment Capital
Peterborough News 9th November 2010
A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Tuesday 9th November 2010.
The rising cost of care for the elderly: BBC examines an example of a traditional family setting where three generations live under the same roof, and families are neighbours.
A senior councillor is concerned that raising the cost of allotments for pensioners by a factor of three will cause many to abandon the activity. He reminds us that Council have often in the past sold off allotments for housing, and wonders how this fits in with Council’s bid to be Environment Capital.
Many will assemble in Sainsburys Car park at 10pm on Friday 12th November to sleep rough in aid of the Peterborough Soup Kitchen. Mayor Keith Sharp is leading the effort.
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TCI Turbines for Anglian Water at Flag Fen
08:20 Wednesday 20th October 2010
Peterborough Breakfast Show BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
PAUL STAINTON: Soon Flag Fen may have its very own wind turbines. A proposal has been made by TCI Renewables to install three of them that could power seven per cent of the homes in this city. A public exhibition is being held this week so people can learn more about the plans. Sophie Tucker is Project Development manager from TCI Renewables. Morning Sophie.
SOPHIE TUCKER: Good morning Paul.
PS: You’re sticking the turbines up. Tell us all about it.
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Peterborough News 14th October 2010
A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 14th October 2010.
Peterborough calls itself Home of Environment Capital and makes an environmental policy pledge.
Cambridgeshire Police leave the central heating off as long as possible to save cash.
Shailesh Vara together with Cllr Holdich and school representatives will meet Govt to argue that planned work on Orton Longueville and Stanground schools should proceed, despite the Building Schools for the Future funding cut.
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Green Reputation Policy Bid
Peterborough City Council is being invited to tie itself to a new policy that outlaws unsound or disreputable environmental practices. Hugh Cripps and Mick Leggett answer questions from Paul Stainton.
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More Thought Needed on the Old Hospital Site
Councillors have joined the local MP in questioning the current outline plans for the old Peterborough District Hospital site on Thorpe Road as unimaginative, unsustainable, and not in the best interests of local ratepayers. Continue reading “More Thought Needed on the Old Hospital Site”
Peterborough News 1st October 2010
A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Friday 1st October 2010.
Accent Nene have submitted revised plans for the Thurston House site on Lincoln Road which retain the facade of the old building and the view from Lincoln Road. Council originally approved demolition, but a campaign by Stewart Jackson MP, Cllr. John Peach and the Civic Society has saved the building from demolition.
The GP Consortia scheme launched in Cambridgeshire gives control of budgets to groups of GPs who will effectively choose services from competing providers. Some within the BMA and elsewhere view it as a step towards privatisation of the NHS.
The recordings from an inquest into the death of a local man treated by a locum GP and which are required by the family for further legal proceedings have been inexplicably lost.
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Nick Sandford on Environment Capital
Nick Sandford is unconvinced that awarding itself titles will help Peterborough in its green aspirations. Broadcast at 07:20 on Tuesday 28th September 2010 in the Peterborough Breakfast Show hosted by Paul Stainton on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
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