Enterprise Peterborough – Making the Best of a Bad Situation

07:20 Friday 27th January 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Work experience, apprenticeships and volunteering, just some of the ways a Peterborough company plans to help boost the City of Peterborough. Enterprise of course provides a number of services for the City Council, including street cleansing and looking after parks and trees. And it’s now creating a number of roles to try and give a little bit back to the community. Richard Oldfield is the Transformation Director at Enterprise in Peterborough. Morning. Continue reading “Enterprise Peterborough – Making the Best of a Bad Situation”

Lee Confirms Zero Job Security for Workers at Peterborough City Council

08:20 Thursday 27th October 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: The private company taking over the running of a number of services at Peterborough City Council has been chosen. Serco have been confirmed as the preferred bidder for the 10 year partnership, which should deliver at least £20 million in efficiency savings. Council tax collection and the customer service team are among the services being transferred in the deal. Matthew Lee is Deputy Leader at the City Council. Morning, sir.
MATTHEW LEE: Good morning.
PAUL STAINTON: There’ll be nobody left there soon that works for the city. They’ll all be private companies, won’t they? Continue reading “Lee Confirms Zero Job Security for Workers at Peterborough City Council”

Lee Cagey on Pickles Bin Boost

17:43 Friday 30th September 2011
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY BURROWS: Let’s return to today’s top story, and it’s that £250 million incentive from the Government, to encourage local authorities to start picking up everyone’s general waste, black bin in many cases, every week, rather than every fortnight. We can speak to the Deputy Leader of Peterborough City Council Matthew Lee. Hello to you Matthew.
MATTHEW LEE: Hello Andy.
ANDY BURROWS: So you’re going to take Eric Pickles up on his offer. You’ll say yes please. And you’re going to reintroduce weekly general waste collections. Continue reading “Lee Cagey on Pickles Bin Boost”

Job Cuts Already at Enterprise Peterborough

17:18 Monday 20th September 2011
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PETER SWAN: Peterborough Enterprise, the body responsible for delivering services such as waste collection and street cleaning on behalf of Peterborough City Council, has today promised quality won’t suffer as a result of proposed redundancies. The organisation has been undergoing a period of review, and is looking to close 18 back-office posts, although they hope to retain and redeploy many of the staff whose jobs are under threat. Well Enterprise’s Richard Oldfield, I’m pleased to say, joins us now. Evening to you Richard.
PETER SWAN: Now, 18 posts this is out of a possible 600. So I guess you’re feeling this is pretty limited. Within the whole size of your organisation it’s not a huge amount of restructuring. Continue reading “Job Cuts Already at Enterprise Peterborough”

Winner Takes All in Stanground

10:12 Tuesday 3rd May 2011
Mid-Morning Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY BURROWS: Time now for the latest in our local election debates. Local elections of course coming up on Thursday. Today we focus on Peterborough, and in particular the ward of Stanground Central. I’m joined by four of the candidates who are standing in that particular ward. First of all, Marco Cereste is the incumbent Conservative candidate, and Leader of Peterborough City Council. He says he’s passionate about making Peterborough a city where everyone has the chance to fulfil their potential, and enjoy high-quality public services. As Leader, his priorities have included promoting and attracting new investment in the city. In the ward, it is currently the refurbishment of Stanground College. Hello to you Councillor Cereste.
MARCO CERESTE: Good morning. Hello.
ANDY BURROWS: Stephen Goldspink is the candidate for the English Democrats. Although standing in Stanground Central, he was first elected to the Council to represent East Ward in 2002, first as a Conservative, and then as an English Democrat, after switching parties. He says he decided to get involved because he wants to make a difference in the local community. Good morning to you Stephen.
STEPHEN GOLDSPINK: Good morning Andy.
ANDY BURROWS: John Swallow is standing as an Independent candidate. He’s a bus driver. He hit the headlines last year when he stood against MP Stewart Jackson at the General Election. He began in politics as a Member of the Labour Party, but left after becoming disillusioned. Good morning John Swallow.
JOHN SWALLOW: Good morning Andy.
ANDY BURROWS: And Chris York is the Labour candidate. Chris lives in Stanground, and has been active in the community for several years, currently working on setting up youth projects to tackle anti-social behaviour. He says the difference between him and the other candidates is that he’s the only one who lives in the ward, working all year round for the people of Stanground. Hello Chris.
CHRIS YORK:Yes. Hi. Good morning.
ANDY BURROWS: Gentlemen, thank you for joining me. We’ve got lots to be talking about between now and 11 o’clock. That’s for sure. And what I’m going to do in the next few moments is give you all a chance to sell yourselves. You’ll have 30 seconds each to tell us what you’re standing for, before we get into the debate about Stanground, and of course Peterborough in general. We’ll be back with you in just a moment
ANDY BURROWS: 16 minutes past 10. It’s Tuesday morning. On Thursday Peterborough and everywhere else goes to the polls for the local elections. In the latest debate we’re having on the local elections across Peterborough and Cambridgeshire, we’re focusing on the Peterborough ward of Stanground Central. It’s a key-battleground, not least of all because the Leader of Peterborough City Council is trying to hold on to his seat. He joins me this morning, alongside Stephen Goldspink, candidate for the English Democrats, John Swallow, the Independent candidate, and Chris York, the Labour candidate. Mark Williamson is here as well in the studio, because gentlemen, I’m going to give y ou 30 seconds each to sell yourselves, and your policies. We’ll go in alphabetical order, so Marco Cereste .. we’re doing it on surnames, before you start arguing between yourselves. We’re doing it on surnames, so Marco Cereste, you get to go first. Mark’s got the stopwatch. In your own time Marco, off you go. Continue reading “Winner Takes All in Stanground”

BBC Peterborough January 8th 2010

A summary of the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Peterborough broadcast Friday 8th January 2010.

A summary of the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Peterborough broadcast Friday 8th January 2010.

Peterborough City Council and Community Services launch a campaign to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies.
Lat night was the coldest night of the winter so far, and gas supplies to industry are being rationed.
Grit is also being rationed and Peterbororians are told not to take grit from roadside bins for personal use
A shortlist drawn up of bidders for Peterborough waste services including the planned waste burning plant and a materials recycling plant.
Alcohol Concern calls fr a minimum price for alcohol to combat binge drinking.
BBC reporter in USA discusses electronic book readers and 3-D TV.
Cambridgeshire County Council offers £100 roadsalt bins with free refills included.

Cheryl McGuire NHS Peterborough.
Leonard Vass Kent Haulier
Zamboni Driver Planet Ice.
Nikolai Sorensen Alcohol Concern.
Andy Tatt Peterborough City Council.
Greg Higby Ranger Ferry Meadows.
John Rutherford Groundsman Sheffield Wednesday FC.
Richard Preston Cambridgeshire Councty Council.
Dave Ansell Naked Scientist.

Companies Mentioned:
Planet Ice.
Plastic Logic/Que.
