Presenter: Andy Gall
Topics: Questions raised over the price paid by Peterborough City Council for Peterborough United FC’s ground. Stewart Jackson MP may report council for misuse of public funds over the purchase of a city centre propertry for a new Healthy Lifestyle Centre. Military hospitals are under pressure. KRAFT announces plans to close the Cadbury plant in Bristol, despite pledges. Peterborough A&E NHS triage plans welcomed. Toyota begins UK warranty repairs today. Obesity in hedgehogs.
Interviewees: Graham Murphy English Democrat Cllr. Richard Chard Motorpoint Peterborough. Celia Kendrick Nurse Peterborough NHS. Julie Orr Sister Peterborough NHS. Katherine Lyon Shepreth Wildlife Park. Marco Cereste Leader Peterborough City Council. Stewart Jackson MP. Jeremy Bennett Automotive Management Magazine. Simon Turpin Charted Surveyor and FOI Requester.
Companies Mentioned: Kraft. Toyota. Motorpoint. Lancia. GVA Grimley.