Democracy the Victim of a Council in Chaos

07:10 Thursday 23rd February 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON:The Mayor kept overruling herself, didn’t she, at various points?
DARREN FOWER LIBDEM CLLR: It’s laughable that you’ve got people in positions, and they don’t know their elbow from other parts of their body. It doesn’t help with the meeting. It’s not smooth and there’s confusion and misiniformation. Some of the councillors don’t know the constitution, and what they can do. There’s also this issue of when an opposition councillor stands up and makes a point, they get shouted down, and told to sit down. And the ruling Conservative administration stand up and they’re entitled or given almost complete carte blanche to make their points. It’s not right, and it’s not fair. I just urge more people to go along to these meetings, because they are free and they are public, and you do have the benefit of leaving when you want, unlike the councillors.
PAUL STAINTON: Well if you were watching the Twitter feed from Matthew Reville from the Evening Telegraph last night, ..
PAUL STAINTON: .. we all got the gist of how ridiculous the meeting was at times.


New Toys for Peterborough Councillors

08:07 Monday 15th August 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY GALL: First it was free iPads. Now Cabinet Members at Peterborough City Council are being offered free iPhones. The Peterborough Liberal Democrat councillors have criticised the idea, saying it’s not appropriate in the current climate. It’s thought that the handsets cost around £500. Earlier we spoke to Cllr Darren Fower, and he said that the Cabinet Members should be leading by example. (TAPE)
DARREN FOWER: Cost is a major factor in today’s world. We’ve also got this situation where up until recently in the last couple of years Cabinet Members have benefited from free Blackberries. And if you look at some of these individuals, they’re not poor. They have got a lot of money about themselves anyway, and I think really as senior members of the Council they need to be looking to lead by example. And like you say, securing these items that are about £500 a pop, times that by the number of councillors, that’s a lot of money being spent. (LIVE)
ANDY GALL: Now we were hoping to speak to Cllr David Seaton, the man in charge of this area, but he’s unavailable, but we’ve been sent a more than capable replacement, Cllr Matthew Dalton, Cabinet Member for Communications at Peterborough City Council. He joins us now. Good morning Matthew.
MATTHEW DALTON: Good morning Andy.
ANDY GALL: So thank you for coming in. Now could these iPhones make you a saving then? Continue reading “New Toys for Peterborough Councillors”

Peterborough City Council and Geoffrey Osborne Limited

07:20 Friday 8th July 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: A Peterborough City councillor is querying why the Council has paid over £1 million to one company in just a month. Construction company Geoffrey Osborne Limited worked on the Cathedral and St Johns development, as well as doing work on the parkways and Northey Gravel Bridge. Liberal Democrat councillor Darren Fower wants to know exactly what work the company Geoffrey Osborne Limited did for the Council in January, and what the payments are for. Darren’s with us now. Morning Darren.
DARREN FOWER: Good morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: How did you come across this information?
DARREN FOWER: It was while I was doing a little bit of reading up on how the City Council decided to ahnd the work for introducing solar panels on to the Town Hall building to a Leicestershire company. I happened to come across this openly local website, which does quite a good job at being open about the financial figures.
PAUL STAINTON: Right. So you’ve spoken to the Council, and asked them why they paid this company a million pounds in January. What’s been their response? Continue reading “Peterborough City Council and Geoffrey Osborne Limited”

Darren Fower and Nazim Khan on Peterborough Funding Cuts

Following his appearance on the show, Eric Pickles has given Peterborough City Council precise details of the funding cuts he has in mind for Peterborough for 2011 and 2012. Opposition spokesmen Darren Fower (LibDem) and Nazim Khan (Labour) say how they would do things differently.
Continue reading “Darren Fower and Nazim Khan on Peterborough Funding Cuts”

Peterborough News 14th December 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Tuesday 14th December 2010.

Peterborough faces an £8 million budget cut, from £164 million to £156 million, 5% of its Govt. allocation. The local Labour spokesman says the figure is in fact higher, and wants a slower reduction. The local LibDem suggests a number of areas to save money.
Cambridgeshire County Council announce their budget cut at 3%. The local Labour man says it’s nearer 11% and is, in fact, just the first step towards the complete privatisation of all council services. BBC insist it’s all the fault of the Labour Party.
Police are hand-delivering 40 Xmas cards to persistent offenders to remind them of their seasonal obligations towards the community. It’s also a good excuse to knock on their doors.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 14th December 2010”

Peterborough News 24th November 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Wednesday 24th November 2010.

In its annual report Ofsted has included Peterborough as one of ten councils failing to adequately safeguard children. A spokesman from Peterborough City Council says improvements have been made to the referral system which failed, but they must wait for their next inspection to receive an adequate rating.
A spokeman from Anglia Ruskin University Student Union says they have made no special arrangements to participate in today’s 11am national student protest against the rise in tuition fees.
TUC have agreed a route for their counter-march on December 11th against an English Defence League protest in the city.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 24th November 2010”

Peterborough News 2nd November 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Tuesday 2nd November 2010.

Peterborough City Council have agreed to pay £175,000 to refurbish the Woolworths Building in order to encourage TK-Maxx to lease the property from the private landlords some time next year.
As it becomes apparent that Council budget cuts are affecting those least able to cope, questions are being raised about why the councillors themselves and the top earners at the Council have not offered to accept any cuts to their income.
The BBC Peterborough studio is afflicted by equipment failures for a second day in a row.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 2nd November 2010”

Deputy Chief Executive Peterborough City Council

The post of Deputy Chief Executive at Peterborough City Council was ended in March, around about the time when a question arose about individuals holding both salaried posts and consultancy roles within the Council. The post was vacated in March, in the financial year 2009/2010.

Darren Fower 10th June 2010

DARREN: I can refer back to when we used to have this position of Deputy Chief Executive, which was the first time we’d ever had it. Our group campaigned to find out exactly how much the chap was getting paid. We were told that we couldn’t be told this, because it was commercially sensitive, and it would cause all types of problems. We obviously didn’t rest there. We continued to fight. We got the result. And it was quite an impressive amount of money that one chap was getting for a job that wasn’t previously required.

Meanwhile, everyone is waiting to see whether savings will be made at the top of the Council, as opposed to sacking workers from the frontline.

It is noticeable that recently, in the context of making savage cuts to the Budget, defenders of the cuts may be tempted to quote the scrapping of this role as a budget saving, an example of Council making savings at the top as well as at the bottom of the heap.
But the role was vacated in March with a pledge it would not be re-filled for three years.

“An in-depth inquiry should be held into the circumstances of the Deputy Chief Executive post as some members did not feel that the published figures were correct. The arrangements for the Deputy Chief Executive post would be ending by 31 March 2010 and the Chief Executive was proposing that the post would be vacant for three years. If members wished to undertake an inquiry, the Executive Director would put together clear terms of reference for the remit of any inquiry.” Council Report 1 Medium Term Financial Plan 2010/11-2014/15 (note: 247 page 1.6mb pdf file)

No-one can therefore decently claim this as a recent top management saving within the context of the budget cuts required by the Comprehensive Spending Review.

Stewart Jackson 07:40 Monday 1st November 2010 Peterborough Breakfast Show BBC Radio Cambridgeshire:

“It’s not fair to just look at that, and not look at where the Council have also cut. It’s fair to say they’ve also cut the budget for the Deputy Chief Executive post, they’ve cut the budget for Your Peterborough, they’ve cut the budget for Neighbourhood Funding. They’re intending to do a lot more outsourcing. So the idea that they’re just cutting vulnerable people’s services …”

Probably just a slip of the tongue there, quoted out of context. But it does show you have to be careful. This is not a cut dictated by the Comprehensive Spending Review.