Council admits that a costly solar energy scheme has failed

07:07 Wednesday 25th November 2015
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

DOTTY MCLEOD: The final chapter in Peterborough’s controversial solar farm saga is set to be written today after three years and a cost of over £3 million to the taxpayer. The proposed scheme for America Farm will join those for Newborough Farm and Morris Fen in the City Council’s history books, after being judged financially unviable. later on the Council is expected to accept proposals to drop plans for thousands of solar panels at America Farm. Sara Varey has been looking back on the solar saga.
SARA VAREY: The opening line as delivered by Council Leader Marco Cereste in October 2012 promised an annual income of £7.5 million for the next twenty five years, to be achieved through the Government’s generous feed-in tariff scheme, that offers cashbacks for generating green energy. Three Council owned plots were identified, America Farm, Morris Fen and Newborough Farm. The tenant farmers clamoured their families’ futures were in jeopardy. John Harris voiced his feelings during the debate here on Radio Cambridgeshire in December 2013.
JOHN HARRIS: It’s just absolutely devastating for the countryside and obviously for myself and my family. We’ve not had a good night’s sleep since this plan came to fruition.
SARA VAREY: Peterborough MP Stewart Jackson took on the role of clairvoyant.
STEWART JACKSON: Based on the predictions in this business plan, if the funding regime for subsidies changed drastically, that will leave Peterborough City Council taxpayers on the hook very significantly for this project.
SARA VAREY: And so it has come to pass. The Government’s enthusiasm for subsidising renewable energy has waned. In October 2014 Morris Fen and Newborough were written out of the script as financially unsustainable, and the show is now over for America Farm too. But the audience is still waiting for the punchline. How much has it all cost? Newborough resident Alex Terry says it’s time for the big reveal.
ALEX TERRY: You should release the financial data. You’re earning money to save the people of Peterborough you say. So prove it. (APPLAUSE)
DOTTY MCLEOD: Local resident of Newborough there Alex Terry finishing that report from Sara Varey. We did ask Peterborough City Council to come on this morning for a chat. They’ve sent us this statement instead. It reads: “The decision to withdraw plans for the two largest sites followed a Government announcement that it was withdrawing support from large-scale solar projects. America Farm was the scheme’s smallest site. Cabinet will this morning consider a recommendation to cease this project. This is because DECC the Department of Energy and Climate Change is set to significantly reduce the level of feed-in tariff payments to ground-mounted solar by around 80% in the New Year.” Well Dale McKean will talk to us. He was the Conservative councillor for the Eye and Thorney ward when plans were first put forward for these schemes three years ago, and he also sat on the Rural Scrutiny Committee at Peterborough City Council. Morning Dale.
DALE MCKEAN: Good morning Dotty.
DOTTY MCLEOD: Now did you realise .. did you realise when these schemes were mooted three years ago that these feed-in tariffs might drop off? Did you consider that as a possibility?
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Dale McKean On the Reliability of Projected Income from Solar Energy at America Farm

17:15 Monday 24th February 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[P]ETER SWAN: We’re hearing about Peterborough City Council and their plans to build a wind farm and a solar farm in order to both provide power of course and indeed to help their budget situation as well. The only downside is Marco Cereste very keen, unfortunately his own Scrutiny Commission for Rural Communities believe the figures aren’t strong enough to justify the huge expense of setting the farms up, or that the revenue they generate once they’re up and running will be big enough. Dale McKean is from the Committee. Let’s hear from him now. Earlier he expressed his concerns to me and his disappointment that their advice had been ignored.
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Peterborough Solar And Wind Option Backed By Council Committee

06:50 Tuesday 17th December 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[P]AUL STAINTON: Peterborough City Council’s Scrutiny Committee has voted to ask the Cabinet in Peterborough to halt plans for the very contentious solar energy park on farmland North of the City. It happened at a meeting last night at the Town Hall, where the Committee discussed a detailed report into the park, which is to be sited on land in the Newborough and Thorney area. It was Cllr Dale McKean who asked the Committee to look again at the issue. Dale’s here this morning. Dale, morning.
DALE MCKEAN: Good morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: Now, very contentious. We had the big debate about the whole thing last week, which was very heated, very spiky. Was it spiky last night? Was it heated last night?
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Peterborough Council Solar Ambitions Debated At Westminster

07:07 Tuesday 5th November 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[P]AUL STAINTON: The MP for Peterborough is raising the row over plans for a renewable energy park for Peterborough in the House of Commons. The City Council wants to build solar and wind farms on farmland it owns near Newborough and Thorney. The project will see the Council invest over £280 million, and could create over £30 million profit, which would be income for front line services. But MP Stewart Jackson is concerned about prime farmland being used for the project, and wants the Council to look at other options. His debate comes as local councillors and residents criticise the City Council for a lack of transparency with the plans. Let’s speak to some of those who are concerned right now. Mike Greene is part of the Newborough Landscape Protection Group and he’s with me this morning. Mike, morning.
MIKE GREENE: Morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: What are your prime concerns? We know what your concerns are about the solar farm. But what are your concerns about transparency, particularly from Peterborough City Council.
MIKE GREENE: It’s increasingly frustrating when we ask for information and we get half answers back, or when the team attended a scrutiny meeting, that they had faulty systems that meant that there wasn’t a full and complete copy of public records in effect.
PAUL STAINTON: There wasn’t a copy in public record of what was said.
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