17:18 Monday 5th August 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
[C]HRIS MANN: More than a million workers in the UK are on so-called zero hours contracts, with no guaranteed shifts or work patterns. That’s according to new research. And it’s four times the official estimate. The Government’s reviewing the contracts, but the unions and some in the Labour Party want zero hour contracts banned altogether. Labour’s already thinking ahead to its strategy for the next election, arguing the Coalition is failing to help ordinary families cope with the cost of living. In response, the Government is likely to point to its measures to bring down the cost of childcare, saying today it wants to expand a new childcare tax credit scheme to include parents who stay at home. Our political reporter Ellie Zaniewska is keeping across the main political stories of the day. Continue reading “Survey Notes A Trend Towards Hiring Casual Labour”