Local Elections Tomorrow- Radio Cambridgeshire Coverage

07:50 Wednesday 4th May 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY GALL: Tomorrow many of you will be voting in local elections across the county. 477 candidates are competing in 154 seats across 5 District Councils and Peterborough City Council. That’s as well as the Alternative Vote referendum. With the latest news, and looking ahead to tomorrow, I’m joined by our political reporter Steve Titman, who’s with us. Good morning Steve.
STEVE TITMAN: Good morning Andy.
ANDY GALL: Now what are we expecting to happen in the local elections in Cambridgeshire? Continue reading “Local Elections Tomorrow- Radio Cambridgeshire Coverage”

BBC Peterborough Local Election Analysis

07:58 Monday 18th April 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: The city’s going to be going to the polls of course on Thursday May 5th. This year’s local elections the first big test for the Coalition. And as if one election wasn’t enough, you’ll also be able to vote on a change to the way we vote of course. But what about Peterborough City Council elections? Our political reporter Steve Titman looks ahead. Continue reading “BBC Peterborough Local Election Analysis”