Andrew Lansley On Moving On

07:08 Friday 7th September 2012
The Bigger Breakfast
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Let’s talk politics. When we started our all-new Bigger Breakfast on Monday, he was the Health Secretary. By the end of the week, Cambridgeshire MP and one of the big beasts of government, Andrew Lansley, had been removed from his job. It became the big news of the week, with some saying he should have gone a long time ago, others saying he should have stayed to see his controversial health reforms through. So it was a reflective Andrew Lansley I caught up with yesterday, in his first full-length BBC Local Radio interview. (TAPE) Andrew, first of all it’s my first chance to talk to you since the Government reshuffle. Are you still disappointed, or were you ever disappointed to be taken out of Health? Continue reading “Andrew Lansley On Moving On”

Cambs Carnage in Coalition Shuffle

07:41 Wednesday 5th September 2012
Cambridgeshire’s Bigger Breakfast
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: David Cameron didn’t show a lot of love to our Cambridgeshire MPs yesterday. Andrew Lansley demoted to Leader of the House, Jonathan Djanogly of Huntingdon lost his job as Justice Minister. And earlier, former MP and GP Dr Richard Taylor told us he was flabbergasted by Mr Lansley’s demotion, and doubted Jeremy Hunt’s credentials to take on the health portfolio. (TAPE)
DR RICHARD TAYLOR: I think Cameron wants to get rid of him, because he knows he has made himself very unpopular. But, to give him his credit, he has worked incredibly hard, and studied the NHS for years and years, because he was the Shadow Heath Secretary. Now the worry about Hunt is that he comes in, what is his background? We know very very little about him. What does he know about health? (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: Well despite being a critic of Mr Lansley’s changes. Dr Taylor wanted the South Cambridgeshire MP to stay on in the role. He also said the changes raised more questions than answers. (TAPE)
DR RICHARD TAYLOR: Is it a sign that David Cameron is genuinely thinking of watering down the proposals somewhat? Is it for Jeremy Hunt a reward for the Olympics? Or is it a punishment for Murdoch for giving him what is an absolutely impossible job? (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: Well if all that wasn’t enough, MP for South East Cambridgeshire, Jim Paice, was also sacked as Farming Minister. Bob Lawrence is the County Chairman of the NFU. There’s a lot of love for Jim in them there fields, isn’t there? Continue reading “Cambs Carnage in Coalition Shuffle”

The NHS – A Patient in Crisis

07:07 Friday 3rd February 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

BBC PAUL STAINTON: Patients are having to wait hours in A&E, appointments and operations cancelled, and people being booked to see the wrong consultant. Just some of the horror stories we’ve heard at Peterborough City Hospital. Unions say the problems being faced by hospitals are also down to a lack of money. .. We’ve also heard reports of staff being used from Stamford, brought across to plug a staffing shortfall at PCH. They get there, and then they’re not needed. There’s a lack of communication by the sounds of it.
MARY COOKE PETERBOROUGH PENSIONERS’ ASSOCIATION: A slight touch of chaos, I reckon. That’s how nurses would view it. It’s demoralising for staff. That’s no good to anybody. Continue reading “The NHS – A Patient in Crisis”

Andrew Lansley in BBC Ding Dong Over Circle Deal

08:18 Wednesday 1st February 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: NHS history has been made in Cambridgeshire today. Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Huntingdon has become the first in the country to be run by a private company. Circle are working in partnership with the hospital NHS Trust to provide services, manage staff and repay some of the £40 million debt. Circle are announcing 16 new initiatives this morning proposed by hospital staff to improve patient care, safety and efficiency, they say. Well earlier we spoke to Phil Gooden from Unison, who described the move as a disaster for the NHS, and called for more details to be released. (TAPE)
PHIL GOODEN: On the surface you can’t argue with it. Greater patient experience, greater staff engagement, free telephone service, all this sort of stuff, but what it’s not doing is proposing in any detail how the £40 million is going to be recovered. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: Well let’s speak to the man in charge of our health service, Cambridgeshire MP and Health Secretary Andrew Lansley. Morning.
ANDREW LANSLEY: Good morning.
PAUL STAINTON: Well how? How are they going to repay this £40 million Andrew, first of all? Continue reading “Andrew Lansley in BBC Ding Dong Over Circle Deal”

The Future of Andrew Lansley

07:52 Wednesday 15th June 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Ten weeks after an avalanche of criticism halted Andrew Lansley’s plans to reform the NHS, the Government has agreed to water down its Health and Social Care Bill. Well, what does it mean for me and you in layman’s terms? Doctors and nurses will join groups of GPs in controlling budgets. The Bill will be discussed at a commissioning conference being held in London today. The Health Regulator will no longer promote competition. Instead it will focus on the interests of patients. And the pace of change slows down. But where does it leave South Cambridgeshire MP Andrew Lansley? And are we any closer to really knowing what the heck’s going on? The (BBC) East Political Editor is Deborah McGurran. Morning Deborah. Continue reading “The Future of Andrew Lansley”