Hinchingbrooke Hospital franchise experiment – apportioning the blame

08:18 Wednesday 18th March 2015
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: The taxpayers have been left exposed by the failure of the Hinchingbrooke Hospital franchise. That is the very damning conclusion of the group of MPs who sit on the Public Accounts Committee. Private company Circle handed back the franchise to run the hospital just three years into a ten year contract. Well the Peterborough MP Stewart Jackson is a member of the Public Accounts Committee. He joins us now from our studio there. Good morning Stewart.
STEWART JACKSON: Good morning Chris.
CHRIS MANN: Who’s fault is all this?
Continue reading “Hinchingbrooke Hospital franchise experiment – apportioning the blame”

Cambridge bloggers on Election 2015

17:13 Monday 5th January 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: So in case you hadn’t noticed, there is a General Election coming up this year. The campaign, well it’s been a slow-burner until now, but it’s beginning to produce more than a few sparks. Let’s find out what we think is going to be in prospect locally from two leading Cambridgeshire bloggers on politics, Richard Taylor .. hello Richard.
RICHARD TAYLOR: Good afternoon Chris.
CHRIS MANN: .. and Antony Carpen, known to many as Puffles. Hello Antony.
ANTONY CARPEN: Good afternoon Chris.
CHRIS MANN: So gentlemen, how much do you think there will be Cambridgeshire issues in this election campaign? Richard first.
Continue reading “Cambridge bloggers on Election 2015”

Dr Peter Bailey on Andrew Lansley’s Legacy

17:23 Wednesday 16th July 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: Now, more on Andrew Lansley. His high-flying Westminster career came crashing back down to earth yesterday when he was kicked out of the Cabinet by David Cameron. And late last night he announced he would give up his South Cambridgeshire seat. But a former adviser to Mr Lansley when he was Health Secretary says he is now getting what he deserves for messing up the NHS. Peter Bailey is a former vice chair of the Cambridge Association to Commission Health, and I spoke to him earlier.
Continue reading “Dr Peter Bailey on Andrew Lansley’s Legacy”

Paul Bullen and Steve Tierney – the Political Outlook for Cambridgeshire

08:20 Thursday 29th May 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: The elections may be over, but the fallout from the results is only just beginning it appears. UKIP of course grabbed most of the headlines, and their rise has been particularly strong in Cambridgeshire. In fact Fenland saw the fifth biggest percentage of people voting for UKIP in the UK, and their vote share has, well, rocketed from just 5% in 2011 to a whopping 47% in this year’s Euro elections. So could that mean the area that’s traditionally True Blue is going to turn purple? I’m joined now on the line by Paul Bullen, who’s Leader of UKIP at Cambridgeshire County Council. Hello Paul.
PAUL BULLEN: Good morning.
CHRIS MANN: Still celebrating?
PAUL BULLEN: Ah. I think the celebrations are finished now. It’s down to hard work and planning for the elections next year.
CHRIS MANN: Also with us is Steve Tierney, the Chairman of Wisbech Conservatives. How have you got through the last few days?
STEVE TIERNEY: Very well thank you. Yes. (LAUGHS)
CHRIS MANN: Not feeling down in the dumps, the way that you’ve been dumped at the ballor box by the voters of Cambridgeshire?
STEVE TIERNEY: Well, you know, the election was disappointing, and obviously we would have liked to have done better. But you look at these things and decide what to do about them and you move on.
CHRIS MANN: So Paul Bullen, what are UKIP going to change in Cambridgeshire, realistically?
Continue reading “Paul Bullen and Steve Tierney – the Political Outlook for Cambridgeshire”

Andrew Lansley On The Syria Vote

08:25 Friday 30th August 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[D]OTTY MCLEOD: Britain won’t be taking military action in Syria, after the Government was defeated in a late night Commons vote. In a close result, MPs have voted against any intervention after a rebellion by thirty Conservatives and nine Liberal Democrats, those nine including Cambridge’s Julian Huppert. Action could still be taken by the United States and possibly France, but the Prime Minister told Parliament that the UK would not now be involved. (TAPE)
DAVID CAMERON: It is very clear tonight that while the House has not passed a Motion, it is clear to me that the British Parliament reflecting the views of the British people does not want to see British military action. I get that, and the Government will act accordingly. (CHEERS) (LIVE)
DOTTY MCLEOD: Well South Cambridgeshire’s Conservative MP Andrew Lansley was sitting on the front bench for the debate, had a good view. Andrew, this sounds like an electric debate. What was the atmosphere like in the Chamber? Continue reading “Andrew Lansley On The Syria Vote”

Stewart Jackson On High Trees Preservation

17:07 Thursday 4th July 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: Peterborough MP Stewart Jackson has urged the Government to intervene over the planned demolition of a prominent building in Peterborough, to make way for student accommodation. The Victorian building, High Trees in Eastfield Road has been sold to a property company, in the face of objections from local residents. Well the Leader of the House of Commons, Andrew Lansley, who is of course the MP for South Cambridgeshire, promised to raise it with fellow Ministers. (TAPE)
ANDREW LANSLEY: I can imagine how he and his constituents might be alarmed by an experience of that kind. I will of course raise it with my Honourable Friends at the Department of Communities and Local Government, and encourage them to respond to him. (LIVE)
CHRIS MANN: Well the MP For Peterborough Stewart Jackson joins me now. Hello Stewart.
STEWART JACKSON: Good evening Chris.
CHRIS MANN: So, why have you brought this to the Government’s attention? Why is it so important? Continue reading “Stewart Jackson On High Trees Preservation”

Martin Curtis Conservative Leader Cambs County Council

17:07 Friday 10th May 2013
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: So the man most likely to be Leader of Cambridgeshire County Council, we now know, is Cllr Martin Curtis of North Whittlesea. This afternoon he was elected to lead the Conservatives, the largest group on the Council, in place of Nick Clarke who lost his seat at last week’s elections. Martin Curtis joins me in the studio. Hello.
MARTIN CURTIS: Good afternoon Chris.
CHRIS MANN: Congratulations.
MARTIN CURTIS: Thank you very much.
CHRIS MANN: Of course you lost out to Nick Clarke before, so finally you’ve reached the top in the County.
MARTIN CURTIS: Absolutely. But I reached the top having learned a huge amount over the last two years from Nick as well.
CHRIS MANN: What’s going to change?
MARTIN CURTIS: Well I think a lot has got to change. We know that even though we’re by far and away the largest group on the County Council, we know we’re in a minority. We can only form a minority administration. And so we know that things have got to change. And it is a different style of leadership that we need, and a more collaborative one. We know that.
CHRIS MANN: Well we’ll talk some more about that in just a moment or two, but reaction to your election has come first from the most senior politician in the County, that’s the South Cambridgeshire MP and Leader of the House of Commons, Andrew Lansley. This is what he told me. Continue reading “Martin Curtis Conservative Leader Cambs County Council”

New Political Party To Defend The NHS

07:20 Thursday 15th November 2012
Bigger Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: A brand new political party is stepping onto the scene today, and one of their key aims is to unseat a Cambridgeshire MP. The founders of the National Health Action Party say the NHS is currently being destroyed by Government reforms, which have been led by the MP for South Cambridgeshire of course, Andrew Lansley. Now we can speak to Dr Richard Taylor, retired hospital doctor, and one of the founders of the new political party. Morning.
RICHARD TAYLOR: Good morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: Is this going to be a nationwide party? Continue reading “New Political Party To Defend The NHS”