Peterborough Riverside Opportunity Area

17:18 Thursday 18th October 2012
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

NICK FAIRBAIRN: A massive redevelopment in Peterborough has come a step closer. The City Council says it’s ready to find a business partner to redevelop the city’s South Bank. Good news, although given that the final bill could be around £1 billion, you’d think they could have come up with a snappier name than the Riverside Opportunity Area. Well earlier I spoke to Andrew Edwards, who’s Head of Growth and Regeneration at Peterborough City Council, and I started by asking him what the redeveloped area could look like. Continue reading “Peterborough Riverside Opportunity Area”

13 Trees in Bridge Street Peterborough

07:40 Tuesday 14th February 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY GALL: We need to get an understanding about the reasons for the trees being cut down, so that we can move forward with the discussion.  So we’ll be able to speak to Andrew Edwards who’s from Peterborough City Council. Good morning Andrew.
ANDREW EDWARDS: Good morning. How are you this morning?
ANDY GALL: Pretty good. So can you tell us a little bit about the reasons for removing some of the trees please.
ANDRE EDWARDS: OK. The first thing to mention of course is that we don’t make a decision to take out trees lightly. And this has been a very well thought through, discussed and considered option. But in essence we’ve taken professional advice, looking at the trees, and the key thing here is to give a public space that will be there, not just for our generation, but for the generations to come.
ANDY GALL: And also during the process though, is it .. people want it to look aesthetically pleasing right now as well as in the future, so will it be done sympathetically?
ANDREW WILSON: Oh yes. We will do it in the best way possible. We’re very keen for the public realm that is produced as a result of taking these trees out to meet the needs of people of today and the future. The reason though that we are looking at taking these trees out is to ensure the life of the remainder. We could leave them in. We could say, right, we’re not going to do anything with these trees. And then, after a couple of years, you’ll see some of the trees starting to struggle. Some of them starting to die. And there’s a chance that we could lose considerably more than the thirteen we’re planning to take out at the present moment.
ANDY GALL: OK Andrew. Thank you very much for talking to us. And apologise for it being a little bit brief, but we certainly got the salient points from you. That’s Andrew Edwards from Peterborough City Council.


A Rose by Any Other Name

This is a welcome opportunity to clear up a mystery surrounding the Peterborough Development Partnership. It was pointed out here that despite the fact that they were deeply involved in developing the Peterborough District Hospital site, there seems to be little trace of them out there on the Internet.
Continue reading “A Rose by Any Other Name”

When will Cathedral Square be Finished?

Cathedral Square and St John’s Square Peterborough are in the process of being renovated, and some of the work has over-run by more than a year, and is still not complete. A caller with a lifetime’s experience in the building trade says from what he has seen the contractors Osborne may need to crack on, if they are to get the work done within the revised timescale discussed by Andrew Edwards, namely the second week in January. And he thinks that some completed work may need to be redone.
Continue reading “When will Cathedral Square be Finished?”

Peterborough News 25th November 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 25th November 2010.

The saga of the Cathedral Square renovations: the project is now a year behind schedule. A Council spokesman predicts that the site will be usable by the second week in January, but a Yaxley caller with a lifetime’s experience in the construction industry reports that large parts of the paving present trip hazards and water drainage issues, and will need to be dug up and re-laid, which could take many months.
A new plan has been agreed for the Thurston House site in Lincoln Road. Accent Nene wanted to demolish the historic property, but following a public campaign the new plan will include less houses, and a four flat conversion for the house itself, retaining the facade and a view of the property from Lincoln Road.
A Cowgate hairdresser is concerned that his trade will suffer when the city hosts a political demonstration on a Saturday in December. Council say they have plans to mitigate this, and to make that following Sunday a more attractive day for visitors to shop.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 25th November 2010”

Peterborough News 4th November 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 4th November 2010.

The DVLA in Peterborough has wind of plans to close the regional offices and move the functions to Swansea. 30 jobs are at threat in Peterborough, 1500 nationally.
Peterborough City Council has submitted plans for a scheme to install electric vehicle charging points in this region.
The Co-op in Stanground has been slapped with a temporary alcohol retail ban after being caught twice selling alcohol to under-age customers.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 4th November 2010”

More Time for Centre Works

Andrew Edwards is asked to explain why work on St Johns Square is falling further behind. The LibDem Leader Darren Fower raised the issue, and local retailers have joined him to complain bitterly at the way Council have responded to the evidence that the interminable refurbishments have effectively destroyed their businesses. Continue reading “More Time for Centre Works”

Peterborough News 15th September 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Wednesday 15th September 2010.

Persistent delays on the St John’s Square works have put the completion date back another month to mid-October. Local shopkeepers complain bitterly that the destruction of their trade has not been acknowledged by Peterborough City Council.
The Maternity Unit at Peterborough District Hospital has been praised by the Care Quality Commission for improving its staffing levels.
Work has resumed on the Northey Gravel Bridge near the Dog and Doublet Pub after a protected moorhen’s nest was fortuitously washed away. The old bridge is being entirely replaced and drivers should notice the improvement when work is complete.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 15th September 2010”