Jackson Blames Labour for Border Agency Blunder

Qe’re looking at a background in the last ten years of one-legged Romanian roofers, and prisoners failing to be deported and everything else. That Department is a mess. I deal, every single day, with the UK’s Borders Agency, and it’s pretty dysfunctional, as you can imagine.

07:16 Tuesday 8th November 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire:

PAUL STAINTON: Stewart, before I let you go, I’ve got to ask you about Theresa May, and this story yesterday. How many people did we let in? Do we know? Will we ever know?
STEWART JACKSON: Well I think the inquiry is ongoing Paul. Obviously it’s very disappointing. Having said that, I think she did acquit herself quite well in the House of Commons.
PAUL STAINTON: Strong on immigration though. This happened on your Government’s watch.
STEWART JACKSON: Yes, and I accept that that’s the case, and she must take reponsibility for it. Having said that, we did inherit an appalling position from the previous Government in terms of immigration, essentially an open-door policy.
PAUL STAINTON: They didn’t let people walk in without getting their passports checked though, did they?
STEWART JACKSON: No, and I accept that. But then again, you know we’re looking at a background in the last ten years of one-legged Romanian roofers, and prisoners failing to be deported and everything else. That Department is a mess. I deal, every single day, with the UK’s Borders Agency, and it’s pretty dysfunctional, as you can imagine.
PAUL STAINTON: Are we getting it sorted then, very quickly?
STEWART JACKSON: Well if it’s anything to do with me we will, because if we don’t deal with immigration as a Government, then we won’t deserve to get re-elected.
PAUL STAINTON: Thank you for that Stewart. Boom boom.
