Peterborough Schools Consider Academy Status

Six Peterborough schools have registered an interest in academy status. Five of them are rated outstanding which could see them fast-tracked into becoming academies by September. The outstanding secondary schools are Hampton College, Arthur Mellows Village College and Kings School. Outstanding primary schools on the list are Bishop Creighton and Thorpe. The one other school registering an interest but which does not have an outstanding rating from Ofsted is Orton Longueville.

Full lists are here:

Not Outstanding

The files are ashx files. If they won’t open on a Mac download them and change the suffix to pdf.

As to what academy status means, here is a quick summary:

“The list of freedoms gained through academy status includes: freedom to adapt the national curriculum, to vary teachers’ pay and conditions, and to vary the length of the school day/week/year.”

BBC article on the subject.