Peterborough News 9th September 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 9th September 2010.

In an Experian survey on resiliance to the expected cuts in public spending Peterborough came 220th out of 324 cities. Government seems to be looking to Citizen Power Peterborough. A programme on the subject will be broadcast at 10:35pm on BBC1 this evening.

According to a study from Local Data Services on empty shops, Peterborough is the 12th best improver out of 150 cities polled. Improvement was only slight. Blackpool has a 30% vacancy rate. There is a clear North/South divide.

NHS Peterborough is keen to press on with handing responsibilities over to GP consortia. Small pilot projects will be running by the end of the year.

Leader Marco Cereste visited Lancaster House in London yesterday along with IBM to launch the Peterborough Platform.
Peterborough City Council is considering a cut to its funding to Peterborough Environment City Trust.
The long-time head of Voyager School Hugh Howe has announced he is leaving.
Council Leader Marco Cereste suggested that a planning application will be in on the North Westgate shopping development within the next fifteen months, but there are many ifs.
Key Theatre pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk will be the only pantomime in town this year.
The Peterborough Conker Championships will be held at the Green Backyard at 11am on 9th October 2010.
Gillian Beasley Chief Executive Peterborough City Council is once again taking part in the Great Eastern Run on 10th October 2010 at 10am.
As part of English Heritage Open Days Peterborough Museum displays the city’s old operating theatre.

Weather: Any patchy mist will soon clear to leave some sunny spells, but with the risk of one or two showers developing later. 21C 70F.

Dr Paul Zollinger-Read NHS Peterborough.
Mel Collins Assistant Director Children’s Services Peterborough City Council.
Sophie Antonelli Green Backyard.
Gillian Beasley CE Peterborough City Council.
Marco Cereste Leader Peterborough City Council.
Dr Koneru Prasad Westwood Clinic.
Roger Hutchings Centre Manager Queensgate.
Michael Cross Key Theatre.
Courtney Hall Key Youth.

Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Steve Titman
Sport: Peter Swann
News: Suzy Roberts
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: John Gray
Phones: Kerry Devine