A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Tuesday 2nd November 2010.
Peterborough City Council have agreed to pay £175,000 to refurbish the Woolworths Building in order to encourage TK-Maxx to lease the property from the private landlords some time next year.
As it becomes apparent that Council budget cuts are affecting those least able to cope, questions are being raised about why the councillors themselves and the top earners at the Council have not offered to accept any cuts to their income.
The BBC Peterborough studio is afflicted by equipment failures for a second day in a row.
Former Leader Cllr John Peach questions why staff should not share the burden of cuts by accepting short working across the board.
The mother of a disbled child describes how she will be affected when her support is removed.
The LibDem Leader Darren Fower questions why Council are spending money encouraging American companies to set up shop in Peterborough, given the dire condition of the US economy.
Labour spokesman Ed Murphy agrees that reduced hours are preferable to layoffs and redundancies, and points out that the population of Peterborough has been understated for purposes of Government grant allocation.
Peterborough United will be wheeling out defender Lewin Nyatanga, on loan from Bristol, at bottom club Walsall this evening.
Aviation expert Julian Bray comments on tougher air freight security rules in the wake of the recent media frenzy surrounding parcels from the Yemen.
The resident Health Guru calls from his home in France to report he has a cold.
Weather: A cloudy start, with any early rain soon clearing to leave sunnier spells but cloud returning from the west again later. 15C 59F.
Neil Darwin Director Economic Development Opportunity Peterborough.
Debbie a Parent from Orton.
LibDem Leader Darren Fower.
Julian Bray Aviation Expert.
Michael van Straten Health Guru.
Gavin Elsey Cabinet Member Regional and Business Management Peterborough City Council.
Labour Spokesman Ed Murphy.
Adi Mowles Posh Fan.
Martin Adams Darts Player.
Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Ben Stevenson
Sport: Nick Fairburn
News: Suzie Roberts
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: John Law