A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Tuesday 26th October 2010.
Despite residents’ letters to the Vatican, the owners of St Anthonys Church Fletton, the Scalabrini Fathers, refuse to confirm or deny the sale of the church, which was suddenly closed as unsafe to use.
Cross Keys Homes are running a series of workshops aimed at incentivising people to find employment.
Growborough demand gainful quality employment for Peterborough school leavers and say more should be done on the green technology front.
Drivers using the A605 eastbound are in need of a mini roundabout at the Pondersbridge turnoff, to avoid tailbacks caused by long streams of westbound traffic exiting the level crossing at Kings Dyke and refusing to allow waiting eastbound drivers to turn right across the carriageway. Council say the situation is made worse by the closure of a nearby road, and want to wait for that to reopen before taking any decision.
This is Energy Saving Week. The public is urged to take simple measures to save energy.
PECT are involved with opening a new green shop in Dogsthorpe to offer local produce where possible and a produce exchange and more. Thay have named it Love Local.
A mother has successfully raised the cash for her son to travel to America to have the procedure he requires for his cerebral palsy.
London firemen will strike on November 5th, but the local service is not involved. They say they have reduced arson and other fires locally by 25% and continue to make efficiencies to cope with the upcoming cuts in funding.
Council acknowledge some teething troubles in the new park and ride service, but say they have corrected these and it’s full steam ahead.
The Match magazine annual is produced in Peterborough apparently.
Local actor Warwick Davis features in the TV programme Merlin to be broadcast on Saturday evening.
Posh (22pts) play table-toppers Brighton (28 pts) at London Road on Saturday.
The Independent newspaper has launched a lite version called the “i”
Weather: Mainly dry at first but clouds thickening, with outbursts of rain spreading in from the west. 11C 52F
Ruth Mingay Community Delivery Manager Cross Keys Homes.
Barry Hyland A605 Campaigner.
Jaryn Bradford Energy Saving Trust.
Karen Lawrence Peterborough Environment City Trust.
Prof George Brock Head of Journalism City University.
Joanne Holland Parent.
Neil Newbury Cambs Fire Service.
Cllr. Peter Hiller.
Tim Street Editor Match Magazine.
Warwick Davis Actor.
Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Ben Stevenson
Sport: Nick Fairburn
News: Suzie Roberts
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: Chris Bell