A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Monday 23rd August 2010.
Following recent unfavourable publicity, a general consensus is emerging that Peterborough needs to find the funding to make an energetic effort to improve its image, and emphasise the good points about the city that would attract the right sort of interest from investors, companies and individuals.
The Italian community held a protest yesterday against the sudden closure of their Fletton church. They question the stated reasons for ending worship on the site.
A Fleet Hargate couple defend their right to a costly medical procedure that enabled them to lose a combined total of 20 stone in weight.
A group of American tenors sang at the Peterborough United match on Saturday and are performing at the Key Theatre tonight, helping to raise funds for a boy that needs a spinal operation to help him walk.
More arson has been reported in Wisbech, this time on South Brink.
Peterborough United FC came from two goals down to beat Huddersfield 4-2.
40% of Woolworth’s buildings are still empty after the retailer closed its High Street operations, including the one in Peterborough.
A WHICH report says that many garages still fail to deliver an adequate standard of service.
Cloudy with any rain quickly clearing, then bright spells, but some more heavy rain on the way this afternoon. 22C 72F Sunburn risk: medium.
Neil Darwin Opportunity Peterborough.
Charles Swift Independent Cllr. Peterborough City Council.
Roy and Kate Glencross Weight Loss Patients.
Stewart Jackson MP.
Rowen Squibb Growborough.
Clare Evans Deputy Editor Which Magazine.
Joanna Holland Parent of Leo.
Marcus Collins Texas Tenors.
Toby Earl Deputy Editor Sky Online TV Guide.
Presenter: Andy Gall
Producer: Heather Noble
Sport: Peter Swann
News: Emma McLean
Travel: Gemma King
Weather: Steve Weston
Phones: Kerry Devine