A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Monday 21st June 2010. News travel weather and interviews.
Posh Supporters Trust call for speedy action to improve the London Road ground.
A veteran Independent Councillor Charles Swift believes that major development schemes suggested for Peterborough will probably not happen.
The former Head of the New Town Corporation thinks that to have any chance of success major development schemes suggested for Peterborough should be shelved for five years.
Peterborough’s Dragon Boat Festival was a great success despite council omitting to open the public toilets at the event. 6,000 turned out and £10,000 was raised for charity Sawtry Community College were victorious.
The Bricklayers Arms in Whittlesea succesfully raise cash for a headstone for Falklands veteran thanks to A D Murfitt Independent Funeral Directors of Whittlesea.
Hill Farm Chesterton predict a good crop of strawberries for Wimbledon.
The landlord of the Ploughmans Pub in Werrington is raffling off a replica World Cup trophy to raise funds for a former barman ailing from locked in syndrome.
A local tennis coach laments the lack of good English players but admits the hobby can become expensive.
Local Posh fan in South Africa has a drink with Fat Boy Slim.
An oarsman celebrates the mysterious recovery of his stolen tub.
Barry Bennett Posh Supporters’ Trust.
Charles Swift Independent Cllr. Peterborough City Council.
Merk Hauck Gable Events.
John Rudd Peterborough Tennis League.
Wyndham Thomas former New Town Corporation.
Alan Stevens Sawtry Community College.
John Head Posh Fan.
Gary Pacey Bricklayers Arms Whittlesea.
Paddy Ivens Hill Farm Chesterton.
Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Ben Stevenson
Sport: Nick Fairburn
News: Suzi Roberts
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: Steve Weston