Peterborough News 1st October 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Friday 1st October 2010.

Accent Nene have submitted revised plans for the Thurston House site on Lincoln Road which retain the facade of the old building and the view from Lincoln Road. Council originally approved demolition, but a campaign by Stewart Jackson MP, Cllr. John Peach and the Civic Society has saved the building from demolition.
The GP Consortia scheme launched in Cambridgeshire gives control of budgets to groups of GPs who will effectively choose services from competing providers. Some within the BMA and elsewhere view it as a step towards privatisation of the NHS.
The recordings from an inquest into the death of a local man treated by a locum GP and which are required by the family for further legal proceedings have been inexplicably lost.

Cambridgeshire Police Federation reassures staff regarding compulsory redundancy for serving police officers. But the A19 clause which allows a force to retire officers who have completed their thirty years, left and returned still obtains.
The Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Police Simon Parr has given up his chauffeur driven car in the interests of economy.
LibDem Leader Darren Fower hopes to persuade Council to justify their “home of environmental capital” slogan by taking part in 10:10:10, the biggest-ever day of positive action on climate change, on Sunday 10 October, 2010. They have no current plans to do so.
A witness to the Peterborough United v Notts County game which culminated in a touchline brawl between staff adds his voice to those who blame the referee for tolerating timewasting and heavy tackling by the opponents.
A Fenland Citizens Advice Bureau spokesperson comments on the 13p increase in the National Minimum Wage.
Whittlesea school pupils get training to mentor other pupils away from tobacco.
A local music and film pundit celebrates the work of Tony Curtis, the recently deceased actor.

Weather: Cloudy and wet with some heavy rain at times, clearing later this afternoon. Windy with fresh southerly winds. 15C 59F.

Neil Durham Acting Editor GP Newspaper.
Craig Mossman Whittlesea Teacher.
Brian Soames Peterborough Business Club.
Ruth Rodgers Chair Cambridgeshire Police Authority.
Darren Fower Leader Peterborough LibDems.
Adi Mowles Posh Fan.
John Peach Peterborough City Cllr.
Linda Hutchinson Lincolnshire CAB.
Shaun Ryan Chairman Police Federation Cambridgeshire.
Genaro Castaldo HMV.

Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Heather Grey
Sport: Alex Harris
News: Samantha Dalton
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: Phil Garner
Phones: Kerry Devine