Peterborough News 19th August 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 19th August 2010.

Norwich and Peterborough Building Society has been told by the Financial Ombudsman that they must compensate an investor for their losses after being advised to invest in Keydata. This is regarded as a test case for 3000+ other investors, but NPBS say this is a provisional judgement.
A-Level results are out today and students will find out if they have the grades they require to attend university, as competition increases for places.
Cambridge University researchers say that low grade kidneys from deceased patients can still be used succesful for transplants, meaning that many on the waiting list could have their operations sooner.

After three years of uncertainty following the closure of Kwiksave in which they had a sub-lease, a Whittlesea greengrocer
gains a permanent lease in the town.
The new Peterborough Hospital expected to open in October is the biggest construction project in the city since the Cathedral, and like the Cathedral it has a unique ceiling, in this case constructed with tiles treated with a Bioguard process.
University Centre Peterborough is offering 550 places this year, and 200 of those are still available. Courses tend to have a vocational focus.
Poundland profits are up by 80%, partly due to the demise of Woolworths, and Peterborough will be getting a second Poundland store in the Hereward Arcade.
A rare red cap fungus has been found in Oundle.
Training continues for the Great Eastern Run on 10/10/2010 and entries this year are up by 30%.
An OFCOM survey says that people spend half their waking hours using the media.
The Oxford English Dictionary has a new edition out today.

Dry and bright to start with before clouding over later, but staying dry. 22C 72F.

Andrea Robertson Director of Applications UCAS.
John Catton Former Peterborough Headteacher.
Matthew Bullock CE Norwich & Peterborough Building Society.
Brian Eversham CE Wildlife Trust.
Neil Watson Alice’s Fruit Sales Whittlesea.
Robert Kidderley Keydata Investor.
Catherine Soanes Head of Online Dictionaries Oxford English Dictionary.
Mark Mabey University centre Peterborough.
Canon Richard Cattle Peterborough Cathedral.
Barry Knight Project Manager Armstrong Ceilings.
Eric Winstone Head Ormiston Bushfield School.
Stuart Hamilton Great Easter Run Planning Team Peterborough City Council.

Presenter: Andy Gall
Producer: Heather Noble
Sport: Nick Fairburn
News: Suzi Roberts
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: John Gray
Phones: Kerry Devine