17:25 Wednesday 18th December 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
[C]HRIS MANN: Now, tonight at six thirty on BBC 1 Look East brings you a roundup of the region’s news sport and events, and to find out what’s on tonight’s programme I’m joined by one of the senior men, Patrick Davies.
PATRICK DAVIES: I love it when you say that. It makes me feel ever so important.
CHRIS MANN: He’s come down from way up in the heights there, from some big important meeting.
PATRICK DAVIES: If only everybody else thought that.
CHRIS MANN: Anyway, what’s on the programme?
PATRICK DAVIES: A couple of stories that you I know are also very interested in. Obviously the big news for Cambridge in particular but the county as well is the new station for Cambridge itself, and the economic development that will come with that. So we’re going to take a pretty close look at that. We’re also looking at the story up from Peterborough, the pensioners who had their Christmas presents stolen.
CHRIS MANN: We’re coming to that in just a moment.
PATRICK DAVIES: Well we too. We’re up visiting them. And the nice thing is it’s not all bad news, which is great, the community rallying round. And the other thing is what would you do if you got a letter from the Queen’s representatives claiming the minerals under your house?
CHRIS MANN: First of all I’d be surprised there were any minerals under the house. But how nice to hear from the Queen.
PATRICK DAVIES: I think you’d be slightly surprised when the Duchy of Lancaster is laying claim to what’s under your house.
CHRIS MANN: Oh really?
PATRICK DAVIES: But that’s what they’re doing. Yes.
CHRIS MANN: Somewhere in this region?
PATRICK DAVIES: In Raunds in Northamptonshire. Just over the border.
CHRIS MANN: What’s the mineral?
PATRICK DAVIES: It’s not a specific mineral. They just have mining .. apparently they actually own the mining and mineral rights under these houses.
CHRIS MANN: A little disconcerting.
CHRIS MANN: Do you think somebody is going to start tunneling?
PATRICK DAVIES: Taking away your garden. Fracking or something.
CHRIS MANN: Sounds fascinating.