17:55 Wednesday 4th September 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
[C]HRIS MANN: The Cambridge Junction launches its new season this very evening, with a star studded showcase event of comedy, music, dance and theatre. It all begins at seven thirty. Tickets still available. And the Director Daniel Brine joined me earlier to tell me more. (TAPE)
DANIEL BRINE: We’re doing really well. We rebranded and relaunched, a soft relaunch in January. We’ve got a new line in which we say, “Cambridge Junction, the place where art meets life.” And we’re trying to open up people’s understanding of the world through the things we’re doing. And that’s proving really exciting for people.
CHRIS MANN: Of course there’s lots of spaces at the Junction. There’s not just one theatre there, there’s several.
DANIEL BRINE: Yes. One of the things that we’re lucky about is we’ve got the three spaces that we present work in. Big spaces. There’s lots of people know to come to the gigs and the clubs, but also the Little Theatre, which has about two hundred seats which is actually fantastic. Theatre and dance, but also lots of the comedy and smaller music gigs is in there. We also have the Small Space which is about 100, which is really intimate, and great for things like doing shows for young people.
CHRIS MANN: Is there any shortage of talent coming to appear in your spaces?
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