On the day that the fountains are due to be turned on, Radio Cambridgeshire takes a microphone out into Cathedral Square to sample opinions on the works carried out there, and David Arthur of Peterborough City Council speaks to the BBC’s Andy Burrows to forecast a September completion date for the project . Broadcast at 16:05 on Tuesday 1st June 2010 in the Drivetime Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
On the day that the fountains are due to be turned on, Radio Cambridgeshire takes a microphone out into Cathedral Square to sample opinions on the works carried out there, and David Arthur of Peterborough City Council speaks to the BBC’s Andy Burrows to forecast a September completion date for the project . Broadcast at 16:05 on Tuesday 1st June 2010 in the Drivetime Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
ANDY: First of all in this hour then, the fountains have been turned on in Cathedral Square in Peterborough, following a massive makeover, which officials hope will bring more shoppers, companies and ultimately investment into the city. Just a few days ago, here at BBC Radio Cambridgeshire we asked shoppers what they thought of the idea.
REPORTER: What do you think of the new Square?
SHOPPER 1: When it’s finished, it will be absolutely brilliant. It’s what Peterborough needed.
SHOPPER 2: Well it will, when it goes on, yes, it will be nice.
SHOPPER 3: On the artist’s impression, it looks as if it was going to be a real attraction, as if there was going to be a central point within it to look at. But there isn’t, and where the fountain water is going come out, it just looks like drain covers.
SHOPPER 4: I can’t see what they spent the money on. I really can’t. I really don’t see that the Square looks any different.
SHOPPER 5: There’s not really a lot to it. Kind of average. Square.
SHOPPER 6: It’s very beautiful, I think.
SHOPPER 7: Quite impressive. It’s taken a long time yes, there’s no doubt about that.
SHOPPER 8: It’s a bit plain.
SHOPPER 9: Yes it’s Ok. I just think it’s been a lot of money wasted.
SHOPPER 10: I think it’s beautiful. I think a few flowers would be nice, big flower-boxes of some kind.
ANDY: That was shoppers in Peterborough just a few days ago. David Arthur is the Project Manager for Peterborough City Council. He joins me now. Good afternoon to you David. Continue reading “Peterborough Centre Redevelopment Continues Apace”