Peterborough solar energy plans delayed

22:33 Monday 22nd September 2014
BBC Look East West

JANINE MACHIN: For two years they’ve been at the centre of a bitter argument in Peterborough, but tonight it seems the plans for a set of solar energy sites around the city are officially on hold. The City Council wanted to build the wind and solar farms on 900 acres of farmland at Newborough and Thorney. It was predicted to cost up to £300 million, but would generate electricity for the city to both use and to sell. Now the proposals were first put forward back in 2012, but they’ve always been controversial, sparking protests last year and a dispute between the City Council’s Leader and its MP, both Conservatives, but with very different opinions on the issue. The plans were last halted by the need for an archeological dig on the site, and then in March this year a team was put together to review the plans. Today came the decision to delay, as Ben Bland reports.
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Peterborough MP Held Blameless in IPSA Ruling

18:40 Monday 3rd March 2014
BBC Look East West

[A]MELIA REYNOLDS: The MP for Peterborough has won his legal battle with the Parliamentary expenses watchdog. Stewart Jackson was threatened with court action after he refused to repay more than £50,000. But he’s now been told it was all a mistake, and he actually owes nothing. A short while ago I spoke to our political correspondent Andrew Sinclair about the significance of the case.
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Peterborough Energy Park Debate Janine Machin Talks To Marco Cereste

18:35 Tuesday 5th November 2013
BBC Look East West

[J]ANINE MACHIN: Good evening. First tonight, “it’s full of flaws, subterfuge and a risk to the taxpayer”. What the Energy Minister has been told today about plans for a giant solar and wind farm near Peterborough. The accusation came from the city’s MP Stewart Jackson, who organised a special debate in Westminster. The Council’s plan is to turn nine hundred acres of farmland into an energy park. Emma Baugh reports.
GREG BARKER: When I hear of monster projects which potentially can turn what is a popular, intuitive and increasingly affordable technology, to turn that into something that is unpopular, that is inappropriate, I become very very worried indeed.
EMMA BAUGH: Energy Minister Gregory Barker in Westminster today. And this is what he’s talking about. Peterborough City Council’s plans to turn this farmland into one of Europe’s largest solar farms. But today the city’s MP claimed this development could jeopardise the city’s finances.
STEWART JACKSON: There is a chance that this project will be a financial disaster and actually make a loss, and even bankrupt the City of Peterborough. But it’s the way they treated local people, frankly with disdain.
EMMA BAUGH: The City Council insists it is listening, and says the plan could mean fewer cuts. So while the energy farm is being planned for fields away from here, it will have a direct impact on services in the city itself. The Council wants to borrow more than £100 million to build it, and they say that will give them more than £30 million profit. And if it doesn’t go ahead, they’ll have to find that money from somewhere else.
EMMA BAUGH: In Peterborough today, the jury is still out.
EMMA BAUGH: Meanwhile, the Government has said it could call in the plans if they’re given the go ahead locally, and may call a public inquiry. Emma Baugh BBC Look East.
JANINE MACHIN: So how does Peterborough City Council feel about the MP’s public criticisms of its energy park plans? I asked the Leader earlier.
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Marco Cereste Solar Newborough Look East Interview

18:30 Wednesday 9th January 2013
BBC Look East

PRESENTER: Coming up in the next 30 minutes, divisions tonight over solar power. Critics say it’s a criminal waste of good farmland. This Council boss says it’s a money-spinner for taxpayers. (TAPE)
MARCO CERESTE: In these really difficult times, initiatives that councils can come up with which will create income means that the taxpayer doesn’t have to put his or her hand in her pocket. .. (LIVE)
PRESENTER: Hello. The development of renewable energy in the region hit a big snag today, when council bosses clashed with farmers over plans for a large scale solar power plant in the countryside.
AMELIA REYNOLDS: The controversy blew up in Peterborough, where the Council has earmarked open land on the outskirts of the city to build three solar farms. It claims the development will provide cheap energy for years to come, but opponents have described the move as a criminal waste of rich farmland. Continue reading “Marco Cereste Solar Newborough Look East Interview”