Norwich and Peterborough Keydata Statement

From the Peterborough Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire read out by Paul Stainton just after 08:15 on Wednesday 29th September 2010.


PS: Norwich and Peterborough have sent us a statement this morning. This from them. They welcome the announcement by the FSCS that there are grounds on which to consider claims by Keydata investors for compensations from the FSCS. This removes the important areas of uncertainty for our Keydata investors. We look forward to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme’s further announcement regarding the amount of compensation to be payable when the picture becomes clearer. The Society is also very aware this is not the end of the issue for all of its Keydata customers. There are a number of dimensions to the Keydata situation, and N&P continues to be actively and productively engaged in discussions with a number of relevant parties with a view to seeking a resolution to the Keydata situations for its customers.