Democracy in Peterborough

There are very few opportunities in Peterborough for the public to easily comment on local issues.
One of them recently has been the lively comment section in the Peterborough Evening Telegraph.
It has had its problems, as all such efforts do. Comments are frequently deleted with one eye on the libel laws. Sometimes whole stories lose their comments.
And stories often quickly disappear from the main site indexing when things get hot.

But it’s sad today to see that the whole comment facility is inoperable.
Subscribers can log in and comment, but nothing happens, and the comments don’t appear.
In addition, there is no web facility to unsubscribe.
And there is never any communication from the site to the subscribers explaining what is happening.
Obviously the Peterborough Evening Telegraph is a private company and they do as they please.
It must be very disheartening for the people working there.

Full Council meets tonight. For those who are interested, this site contains many of the current issues dominating politics in Peterborough at the moment.