08:22 Tuesday 4th September 2012
The Bigger Breakfast
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
PAUL STAINTON: Pity the people of Bottisham Pity them. For almost over a week, they’ve had no internet, no phone. Almost 200 people in Bottisham have not had the news. They don’t know what’s going on. This is after a huge storm disrupted services around Bottisham. Residents have told us they were promised by BT to be up and running again by last Friday. ..
DOTTY MCLEOD: Anything could have happened. There’s been a lot going on here in Bottisham Paul. It was here earlier on this week that they had a chap run around smashing car windows in with a shovel. So maybe they’ve had enough news to keep them going. .. So what next for Bottisham? Do we need to try Morse code, smoke signals, semaphore? Suggestions welcome here in the county Paul.