08:35 Wednesday 16th January 2013
Bigger Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
[P]AUL STAINTON: We’ve got Adi Mowles on the line, who’s the Chairman of the Posh Independent Supporters’ Association. John Devaney, what sort of a man was he?
ADI MOWLES: Well fundamentally he changed the Club. We’d been through some awful awful times previously to his arrival. If you imagine, we spent a million quid on a waste of space a few months ago, Tyrone Barnet. Well it was equally earth shattering when we spent £100,000 on a player. Dave Robbo (Robinson) came in. He turned out to be a complete legend for the Club. And Mr Devaney made that happen. Personally I’ve got some great memories of him. We were running The Peterborough Effect at the time, the fanzine, and fanzines, as they were meant to be, were quite controversial. So very often he’s come storming out of the ground at two o’clock on a match day, tell us that we couldn’t sell TPEs either in the Club shop or on the London Road property. So we would walk across to Britaly Travel, stand out there and sell them. And then Bernie, his lovely wife. would come out, buy 30 off us, take them into the Club shop and sell them, and said the silly old fool should know what the fans want. .. And they were just really funny together. Very nice bloke. .. He was a massive influence on the football club. ..
PAUL STAINTON: He was the man who appointed Chris Turner, wasn’t he?
ADI MOWLES: Oh absolutely. And they got on great. I think Turner thought the world of him. And let’s not forget, our most succesful ever place in the Football League was under Mr Devaney, and obviously under Son of God.
ADI MOWLES: We were 8th or 9th in what is now the Championship. So yes, he’s got a great place in the history of Peterborough United Football Club. He might have a great place in the future of the football club, because his development company still own all the shops at the front of London Road. So watch this space.