17:15 Friday 13th September 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
[C]HRIS MANN: The Leader of the Green Party has launched a fierce attack on the private health companies bidding to run elderly care services in Cambridgeshire. Four firms, Capita, Serco, United Health and Virgin Healthcare have been shortlisted for the £800 million contract. Natalie Bennett told the Green’s Annual Conference in Brighton the Party opposed what she calls corporate bloodsuckers and jewel thieves, making profits from the NHS. (TAPE)
NATALIE BENNETT: In Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is a contract right now, up for grabs, worth up to £800 million, to provide care for older people in the region, including what’s called end-of-life care. The shortlist of bidders was announced this week, and it includes what you have to call the usual suspects. Serco, United Health UK, Virgin Healthcare. The Green Party and most people in the UK don’t want any of those organisations responsible for health care of any kind. And there’s something particularly disturbing about the dominance of the profit motive when it comes to caring for our elderly citizens. We in the Green Party are fighting with every ounce of strength against these kind of contracts. The NHS is a national jewel that must be grabbed back from the jewel thieves, polished, and set back again in pride of place. The profit motive has no place in the health care system. And we will not rest until we’ve expelled every last corporate bloodsucker from our NHS. (APPLAUSE)