Peterborough News 8th December 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Wednesday 8th December 2010.

Full Council meeting tonight: concerns have been raised that Neighbourhood Councils will in future receive funding only as a by-product of housing developments in the ward.
The local LibDems are of the opinion that the current Conservative administration is suffering from a bout of megalomania.
As the numbers of homeless are predicted to rise, Peterborough Soup Kitchen wants a city-centre facility for the homeless, just as Cambridge do. The Council Leader thinks it’s a great idea, which doesn’t necessarily mean that anything will happen.

Local farmers are struggling to lift crops as the ground is frozen.
Police remind drivers about a spate of unattended vehicles being pinched from driveways during de-icing routines.
Another two GP Consortia have been formed in this region.
Stanground College had fourteen teachers off sick on one day this week as a bout of illness does the rounds.
A Haddon man is fundraising again in a second attempt to organise his extreme triathlon attempt.
Age Concern is running a telephone shopping service for pensioners who should call 564185 for assistance.
The popular commenting facility on the Peterborough Evening News website is currently unavailable. There is no way of telling if this is by accident or design. Reminder: Full Council meets tonight.
Readers thinking of subscribing to the Peterborough Evening Telegraph website should note that there is no site option to delete their account once it has been created.
John Lennon died 30 years ago.
The resident gardening guru discusses Xmas trees and the lifecycle of mistletoe.

Weather: Staying mainly dry and cold with early freezing fog and mist clearing to leave some hazy sunshine. 0C 32F. Tonight dry with a sharp frost, icy roads and a potential for freezing fog patches. 4C.

Carlos Dominguez Peterborough Soup Kitchen.
Marco Cereste Leader Peterborough City Council.
Dan Martin Haddon Triathlete.
Dr Simon Brown Hunts Health GP Consortium.
Nick Sandford Leader LibDems Peterborough City Council.
DI Mike Branston Cambridgeshire Police.
Philip Norman Beatles Writer.
Geoff Stebbings Garden Answers Magazine.

Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Ben Stevenson
Sport: Peter Swann
News: Jo Taylor
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: Jo Osborne