Stewart Jackson MP on Opportunity Peterborough

This is part of a longer interview where Stewart Jackson Conservative MP celebrates his re-election as MP for Peterborough. Broadcast at 08:10 on Monday 10th May 2010 in the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Peterborough.

STAINTON: We’ve got a text in saying: Ask Stewart about North Westgate please, and developments like that. What can he do to ensure we get Peterborough going, and get it developed?
JACKSON: Well one of the big things that we haven’t done, and a big failure, and I have to say I lay it at the door of Opportunity Peterborough, because it’s no-one else’s fault. We have not sold Peterborough on the national stage as robustly as we should. We haven’t had ads on the sides of taxis, ads in the Financial Times, radio ads, nationally. We need to get really serious about businesses coming to this city, and say Peterborough is a fantastic place to live, work and do business. And I think we’ve failed in that. Because we’ve got so many advantages. We’ve got a new University Centre, we’ve got a beautiful city centre that’s coming together, we’ve got possibly a new Station Quarter, we’re an Environment City. And we’ve got great transport links. We need to be banging the drum constantly. And if we don’t do that, we are going to lose out to the Cambridges, Milton Keynes, Leicesters and other places. And that means we won’t get the jobs we desperately need in this city.
